Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Mall Santa & 1/4 Birthday
Mae is three months old today. These have, hands down, been the longest three months of my life. Not in a bad way. In a great way. Just in a slow way. But, also in a fast way. I know I'm not making sense.
I think it's that same feeling you get when you go travelling. Everything you're seeing and doing is brand new. You're noticing all the details; taking it all in and trying to remember it. And so, somehow, the days feel much, much longer than your usual 9-5, get on the subway, go to work, work, come home, sort of days which all blend one into the next.
And then, on the other hand, it all seems to be flying by too fast. It's hard to believe that three months ago today she was just born - so squinty, beautiful and bewildered, all wrapped up in her hospital blanket - and now she's so big, gorgeous and talented! She's on her playmat right now, having a very loud and important-sounding conversation with the orange star on her dangly pull-toy.
She even went and got her picture taken with mall Santa today. How grown up is that?! You should have seen her! She was so good. So trusting!! She was fast asleep in her stroller when we got there, and she slept right through being unbuckled and handed over to Santa. And then she woke up.
Now, if I ever fell asleep in a familiar place, all wrapped up in a familiar blanket, and then woke up in the arms of a strange bearded man, there's no question; I'd definitely cry. Not Mae though. She just took it all in stride. She looked around a little to get her bearings; noticed that her daddy and I were standing nearby; then checked out Santa and decided he was probably okay. In the photo, she's looking off to her left, where we were standing, with this great expression - a little baffled, but not at all distressed - that seems to say "And who did you say this guy was again?"
I think it's that same feeling you get when you go travelling. Everything you're seeing and doing is brand new. You're noticing all the details; taking it all in and trying to remember it. And so, somehow, the days feel much, much longer than your usual 9-5, get on the subway, go to work, work, come home, sort of days which all blend one into the next.
And then, on the other hand, it all seems to be flying by too fast. It's hard to believe that three months ago today she was just born - so squinty, beautiful and bewildered, all wrapped up in her hospital blanket - and now she's so big, gorgeous and talented! She's on her playmat right now, having a very loud and important-sounding conversation with the orange star on her dangly pull-toy.
She even went and got her picture taken with mall Santa today. How grown up is that?! You should have seen her! She was so good. So trusting!! She was fast asleep in her stroller when we got there, and she slept right through being unbuckled and handed over to Santa. And then she woke up.
Now, if I ever fell asleep in a familiar place, all wrapped up in a familiar blanket, and then woke up in the arms of a strange bearded man, there's no question; I'd definitely cry. Not Mae though. She just took it all in stride. She looked around a little to get her bearings; noticed that her daddy and I were standing nearby; then checked out Santa and decided he was probably okay. In the photo, she's looking off to her left, where we were standing, with this great expression - a little baffled, but not at all distressed - that seems to say "And who did you say this guy was again?"