Tuesday, January 09, 2007


We got Those Missing Daddy Blues

Mae is a rolling expert now. As of today, there's just no stopping her. She could roll all the way to China if she decided to. Half the time I've been cheering her on saying, "Look at you go!" and the other half of the time I almost plead with her, "Don't roll too far away, ducky. I'll miss you."

We're in Sudbury this week, visiting my dad and stepmom. They're head over heels in love with Mae. My dad lies right down on the playmat with her so she can pull his hair and my stepmother takes her for walks around the house and tells her which magazines are good to read and about how they'll go shopping together one day. They both love listening to her babble away in baby language and bragging to anybody who will listen about what a good baby she is.

The only problem is that Mae and I are really missing her dad/my husband. It's deeply weird being away from him for so long. I've been sending him photos and updates about what we've been up to, but I know it's totally inadequate. And, actually, it might somehow be worse than no updates at all. I keep thinking how I'd feel if he were with Mae and I was alone, reading about how she was rolling over. I know I'd cry and cry.

When Mae was first born, our neighbour asked us both what the most unexpected thing about her birth was. I think I said something at the time about how I already couldn't picture life without her, but I've been thinking about it since then, and I've finally got my real and final answer.

I was fully expecting to adore her... but what I didn't know was how her arrival would make me fall even more in love with my husband. It's so insanely attractive watching him play drums on a pie plate because it makes her smile, or reading her Mister Brown Can Moo. Those first nights, he camped out in our hospital room on the world's dodgiest looking cot, coming straight from work and wearing the same clothes three days in a row, barely sleeping, hardly eating. Thankfully, he changes his clothes and eats now, but what hasn't changed is that he's still taking care of us any way he can. His devotion to us, but especially to his daughter, makes me feel all melty. I'm not saying I had any doubts before... but just that now I'm about a million percent certain that I married the right guy.

So, even though it's nice to spend a week at home, I don't think Mae and I will be planning any more trips without her daddy for awhile. He's already missed way too many rolls over, and it just makes all three of us feel lonely.

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