Thursday, March 15, 2007


Snot Goblin of Misery

Dooooh. We're sick. Again. Actually, Mae is almost better, but I was the last family member to catch the dreaded cold, so I'll be the last to shake it. Every breath I take sounds all rattly and phleghmy and retched. I'm like a snot goblin of misery.

This is just one more reason that Mae can never go to a daycare centre where, I've heard, constantly having a cold is the norm. It's just no way to live. The last of the nasty little cough she's still got is just heartbreaking.

Add to that the fact that our household is barely functioning as it is with me off full time (it took me two days to notice we were out of milk and, sometimes, a load of laundry can take three days to go from dirty to clean and folded), and well, it's settled. I definitely have to find a way to work from home as well as a lovely, nearby, virtually germ-free, part-time home daycare for Mae.

This is all do-able, right? Oh whatever. I barely have the energy to worry about it today. And, actually, to completely contradict myself, I almost miss work, where - if I was feeling as wretched as this - I could call in sick and take care of myself all day. Being sick with a sick six-month-old sucks. Ha! Say that six times fast. Or don't. Whatever. I don't care.

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